It's hard to believe, but I'm already in my second month of fourth year, which means less than 9 months until GRADUATION! Now begins the process of applying to residency, waiting to hear back from schools, and traveling around the country to interview at various pediatric programs. As excited as I am, it hit me that this will be our last 9 months living in Albany - and potentially on the east coast. Come March 21st, we will know where we'll be moving for the next three years.
We spent some time reminiscing about the many adventures we've had over the past three years, and realized there are still many things we haven't done yet. So, my hubby and I sat down and started brainstorming an "Albany Bucket List" of things we want to do, food we want to eat, and places we want to visit in the Albany (and surrounding) area.

And now, a few pictures from our favorite adventures over the past three years...

Year 1: Seattle --> Albany

Year 1: We've arrived!

Year 1: Lake George
Year 1: Apple Picking

Year 1: Saratoga Track
Year 1: Breast Cancer Walk

Year 1: Thatcher Park
Year 1: Thanksgiving in Clinton, NY

Year 1: Snow in Albany

Year 1: Med School Formal (aka PROM)

Year 1: Med School Talent Show

Year 1: Spring Break in NYC

Year 1: Spring Break in NYC

Year 1: Tulips in Washington Park (on my birthday)

Year 2: Cape Cod

Year 2: Lake George

Year 2: Halloween

Year 2: Keytones (our a cappella group!)

Year 2: Honor's Haven

Year 2: Gingerbread houses

Year 2: Gingerbread houses

Year 2: Med School Formal (aka PROM)

Year 2: Med School Formal (aka PROM)

Year 2: Albany Apartment Redo... still in progress (hence no blog post about it, but I did reupholster the furniture...)

Year 2: Supermoon

Year 2: Ommegang Brewery - tasting, tour, and a Death Cab for Cutie Concert

Year 2: photographing a med school friend's wedding

Year 3: The Park (by our apartment)

Year 3: The Park (by our apartment)

Year 3: Keytones (a cappella singing group)

Year 3: Keytones (a cappella singing group)

Year 3: Halloween as Hall Monitors

Year 3: Trip to Vermont - Betsy comes to visit

Year 3: Trip to Vermont - Betsy comes to visit

Year 3: Trip to Vermont - Betsy comes to visit

Year 3: Med School Thanksgiving (crafty gifts for guests!)

Year 3: Thanksgiving in Clinton
Year 3: Water Drops (actually from Seattle... but I couldn't resist)
Year 3: Water Drops (from Seattle)

Year 3: Med School Formal (aka PROM)

Year 3: Med School Formal (aka PROM) - love these ladies!

Year 4: Trip to Minnesota... also not from the Albany area, but it's how I started "4th year," so I included it :)
We've had a ton of fun exploring the Albany area, and the North East. Our bucket list is definitely evolving so if you have suggestions, we'd love to hear them! Have you ever made a bucket list? What are some of the adventures you'd like to conquer in your neck of the woods?
Linking up at